
How does an alternator work?:

The alternators function is to continually charge your battery.  Your battery is 12 volts, but to keep the battery 100% charged and run all of your car’s electrical options at the same time, the alternator has an output of between 13.5 & 14.8 volts.

How do I know if my alternator is malfunctioning or needs replacement?:

  1. The indicator light
  2. Headlights are dim or flickering
  3. Other electrical failures (If you have a faulty alternator things like Power windows, power locks, dashboard lights, air conditioning, and even your car radio may start to act up.)
  4. Strange noises (Sometimes alternator failure can cause some of the bearings to fail in the engine, creating unusual rattles.)
  5. Car stalls or has difficulty starting
  6. Battery dies

If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms and you think your alternator is faulty, then it is time to take it in for service.  At Cooper Brothers We’ll take care of it, contact us to schedule an appointment.